Acute diarrhea during army field exercise in southern China

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:555jl
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AIM:During emergency period,infectious diseases can bea major threat to military forces.During field training insouthern China,diarrhea is the main cause of nonbattleinjury.To evaluate the causes of and risk factors for diarrheain emergency period,we collected clinical and epidemiologicaldata from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) during fieldtraining in southern China.METHODS:From September 25 to October 2 1997,2636military personnel were investigated.Fecal sample cultures forlapactic pathogens were obtained from 103 military personnelwith diarrhea.In addition,a questionnaire was administeredto 103 cases and 206 controls to evaluate the associationbetween illness and potential risk factors.At the same time,another questionnaire of 1:4 case-case control was administeredto 22 severe cases (each severe case paired 4 mild cases).RESULTS:The training troop’s diarrhea incidence rate wassignificantly higher than that of garrison.The diarrhea incidencerate of officers was significantly lower than that of soldiers.Alapactic pathogen was identified in 63.1% (65/103) of the troopswith diarrhea.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (35.0%) andplesiomona shigelloides (16.5%) were the most commonbacterial pathogens.All bacterial isolates were sensitive tonorfloxacin and ceftazidine.However,almost all of them wereresistant to sulfamethoxazole,trimethopdm-sulfamethoxazole,oxytetracycline,doxycycline,furazolidone,ampicillin andcloromycetin to a different degree.Risk factors associatedwith diarrhea includediidrinking raw water,eating outside,contacting diarrhea patients,lacking sanitation,depression,lacking sleep,which were established by multiple-factor logisticregression analysis.In addition,the unit incidence rate wasassociated with the density of flies and the average dailyboiled water available by regression and discriminate analysis.CONCLUSION:A series of risk factors are associated withthe incidence rate of diarrhea.Our results may provide auseful basis for prevention and cure of diarrhea in emergencyperiod of PLA. AIM: During emergency period, infectious diseases can bea major threat to military forces. Training field training insouthern China, diarrhea is the main cause of nonbattleinjury. To evaluate the causes of and risk factors for diarrheain emergency period, we collected clinical and epidemiological data from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) during fieldtraining in southern China.METHODS: From September 25 to October 2 1997, 2636military personnel were investigated. Fecal sample cultures forlapactic pathogens were obtained from 103 military personnelwith diarrhea. Addition, a questionnaire was administeredto 103 cases and 206 controls to evaluate the association between illness and potential risk factors. At the same time, another questionnaire of 1: 4 case-case control was administered to 22 severe cases (each severe case paired 4 mild cases) .RESULTS: The training troop’s diarrhea incidence rate wassignificantly higher than that of garrison.The diarrhea incidence rate of officers was significantly lower than those of soldiers. Alapactic pathogen was identified in 63.1% (65/103) of the troopswith diarrhea .Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (35.0%) andplesiomona shigelloides (16.5%) were the most common bacterial pathogens. All bacterial isolates were sensitive to tonorfloxacin and ceftazidine. However, almost all of them wereresistant to sulfamethoxazole, trimethopdm-sulfamethoxazole, oxytetracycline, doxycycline, furazolidone, ampicillin and cloromycetin to a different degree. Scan factors associated with diarrhea includediidrinking raw water, eating outside, contacting diarrhea patients, lacking sanitation, depression, lacking sleep, which were established by multiple-factor logisticregression analysis. addition, the unit incidence rate wasassociated with the density of flies and the average dailyboiled water available by regression and discriminate analysis. CONCLUSION: A series of risk factors are associated with the incidence rate of diarrhea. Our results may provide auseful basis for prevention and cure of diarrhea in emergencyperiod of PLA.
问 :阿西先生 1 w前接受全髋成形术 ,现大便失禁、腹泻 ,检出厌氧性岐化杆菌( CD) ,因此被隔离。他儿子每天都来探视 ,病人要求儿子陪他出去抽烟 ,是否能让他出去 ?答 :CD是
例1 男,22岁,因"吞服缝衣针1根6 h,上腹部轻度疼痛不适"于2001年12月20日入院.腹部X线透视:胃幽门管见一针影.胃镜检查:缝衣针前约2/3已刺入胃幽门管壁内,后约1/3留在胃幽门管腔内,且随着胃的蠕动而活动,周围胃黏膜未见异常.用活检钳先从针尾有孔处夹取数次未成功,后改为从针干处一次夹取成功,固定活检钳位置,连同镜身一起向胃腔内牵拉,针前部即从胃幽门管壁内抽出,针眼处有少量流血.镜身
德国东北部的法兰克福市政府新闻发言人29日证实,该市出现了五例“军团病”病例,已有两人死亡。这种疾病的感染渠道目前尚未查清。 据此间媒体报道,这位发言人说,该市目前军
近年来 ,干扰素已广泛地应用于各种难治性疾病的治疗 ,而且疗效优异。在恶性肿瘤、难治性病毒性肝炎等的治疗上 ,尤其引人瞩目。为进一步开拓干扰素治疗的适应证、合理地发挥
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北京协和医院呼吸科蔡柏蔷教授等应用自行研制开发的电脑软件对 4 0位非典康复者交回的调查问卷进行分析后初步得出结论 :大部分非典康复者生活质量良好 ,已无任何症状 ,但仍