癫痫俗称“羊痫风”,是一种常见的神经系统疾病,临床上分为癫痫大发作,小发作,局限性发作及癫痫持续状态。而特殊类型文献亦有报道,但是阵发性发冷性癫痫则少见。笔者遇到1例,报告如下。 病历摘要:患者,女,63岁,因阵发性发冷9天于1995年3月11日入院。9天来无明显原因突然发冷,全身哆嗦,并起鸡皮疙瘩。每次发作持续5~6分钟,每日发作2~5次,发作过后如常人。曾在本地医院及卫生室就诊,诊断为“癔病”给维生素B1、谷维素、安定口服治疗效果不好。查体:体温36.5℃,血压18/12kPa。神志清楚,精神差,眼球无震颤,口唇无紫绀,
Epilepsy, commonly known as “epilepsy”, is a common neurological disease, clinically divided into epileptic seizures, small seizures, localized seizures and status epilepticus. Specific types of literature are also reported, but paroxysmal paroxysmal epilepsy is rare. I met one case, the report is as follows. Patient, female, 63 years old, admitted to hospital on March 11, 1995 due to paroxysmal episodes of cold for 9 days. 9 days no obvious reason Suddenly cold, trembling and goose bumps. Each attack lasted 5 to 6 minutes, 2 to 5 episodes per day, after the attack as normal. Had a visit to a local hospital and clinics, diagnosed as “hysteria” to vitamin B1, oryzanol, stability of oral treatment is not good. Physical examination: body temperature 36.5 ℃, blood pressure 18 / 12kPa. Conscious, poor spirit, no tremor of the eye, no cyanosis of lips,