Microbiological Denitrification and Denitrifying Activity of Paracoccus Denitrificans

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:john_cai
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With rapidly industrial and agricultural development, more and more fertilizers, chemicals and heavy ions will be discharged into lakes and rivers, which would cause lake eutrophication and quality deterioration in drinking water sources. Therefore, denitrification is essential for controlling the amounts of nitrogen. During the transformation process from nitrate to the end products|nitrogen and several intermediates [e.g. nitrite (NO+--2), nitrous oxide (N-2O) and nitric oxide (NO)] may be accumulated, which have more toxic influences on the environment. In this study, the denitrification effect of Paracoccus Denitrificans was examined on the changes between oxic and anoxic conditions at varying pH. At pH={7.5}, denitrification proceeded well after 3 switches from oxic to anoxic conditions and vice versa. Production of N-2 was constant and the amounts of NO+--2, N-2O and NO were extremely low. However, at pH=6.8, denitrification activity was inhibited and there were large amounts of the intermediates. The denitrifying bacteria decreased violently in dry weight and were washed out. With rapidly industrial and agricultural development, more and more fertilizers, chemicals and heavy ions will be discharged into lakes and rivers, which would cause lake eutrophication and quality deterioration in drinking water sources. Therefore, denitrification is quality for controlling the amounts of nitrogen. the transformation process from nitrate to the end products | nitrogen and several intermediates [eg nitrite (NO + - -2), nitrous oxide (N -2O) and nitric oxide (NO) In this study, the denitrification effect of Paracoccus Denitrificans was examined on the changes between oxic and anoxic conditions at varying pH. At pH = {7.5 }, denitrification proceeded well after 3 switches from oxic to anoxic conditions and vice versa. Production of N - 2 was constant and the amounts of NO + - - 2, N - 2O and NO were extremely low. However, at pH = 6.8, denitrification activity was inhibited and the re were large amounts of the intermediates. The denitrifying bacteria decreased violently in dry weight and were washed out.
很多人纳闷:为什么许多同行纷纷倒下,而汪新年始终屹立不倒,反而更加强大?其实奥秘很简单:汪新年办学多年以来,坚持了适合自己的路子或模式——理论+临床实践。理论+临床实践是黄山民间医术持续发展的法宝,也是与竞争对手最大的差异。  不少医术教学单位表面看似挺好,然而大多只是纸上谈兵,没有临床实践这一教学环节,学员只能学到一些理论知识,回家后根本无法开展就诊工作,所谓坐而论道易,实践难。而在黄山民间医术
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一、前言在中小型水利工程施工中,经常使用3.5立方米矿车(轨距为762毫米)来运输砂石料等散体材料。3.5立方米矿车的主要规格是: I. Introduction In the construction of s