Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases. Constipation refers to irregular bowel movements, less frequent bowel movements, difficulty in defecation, discomfort and pain. Constipation may be caused by an obstruction in the outlet. In some cases, it occurs only when defecation occurs. Defecography is a suitable method for detecting defecation disorders. The author conducted 121 cases of defecography in 1982 ~ 1984. This article reports 12 cases. Half of men and women, aged 24 to 64 (average 38) years of age; have difficulty in defecation, then times 3 to 21 (average 10) once a day; although commonly used laxatives, but no effect. Perineal examination, digital rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy and barium enema were not found abnormalities. Defecography found forced defecation anal angle does not increase, while still maintaining about 90 °, and can not discharge the barium used. Because the anorectal angle represents pelvic floor muscle activity, the above conditions suggest forced defecation, pelvic floor muscle group is not relaxed, still contracting state and barrier discharge. This is an abnormal performance.