我们在1981年11月~1982年1月流行的秋冬季婴幼儿腹泻病儿中,在药物治疗、护理、饮食统一情况下,选择口服补液18例与25例静脉输液进行详细对比,报道如下: 一、研究材料和方法病例选择:全部为男性,中度失水,营养中等,无明显合并症者。口服液应用WHO配方,以80ml/kg,4~6小时内由鼻饲管滴入,滴完后自由饮白开水、人乳或淡乳。继续损失量,按拉多少补多少处理。静脉补液采用3:2:1液,禁吃4~6小时后进食人乳或淡乳。用胶手套套住生殖器以收集24小时小便,以便盆放在有孔床下面以收集24小时大便。入院时,补液4小时,24小时后验CO_2CP,血
In November 1981 ~ January 1982 epidemic autumn and winter infants and young children with infantile diarrhea, drug treatment, care, diet, the choice of oral rehydration in 18 cases and 25 cases of intravenous fluids were compared in detail as follows: First, the study materials and methods of case selection: all male, moderate dehydration, moderate nutrition, no obvious complications. Oral liquid application WHO formula to 80ml / kg, 4 to 6 hours by the nasal feeding tube drip, drip after drinking free boiled water, human milk or light milk. Continue to lose the amount, according to how much to pull up how much to deal with. Intravenous fluid using 3: 2: 1 liquid, forbidden to eat 4 to 6 hours after eating human milk or light milk. The genitals were placed over the gel gloves to collect urine for 24 hours so that the pots were placed under the perforated beds to collect stools for 24 hours. Admission, rehydration 4 hours, 24 hours after the test CO_2CP, blood