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从小学升入初中是一个重要的转折点,在这个阶段一定要打好学习数学的基础。小学数学往往偏重于模仿,学生的依赖性较强,独立思考和自学的能力不够,所以很少去探究知识间的联系和应用。而进入中学后,数学内容丰富了,解题思路也多元化了,难度更是加深了许多。这样一来,很多原本在小学学习不错的学 From primary school to junior high school is an important turning point, at this stage must lay the foundation for learning mathematics. Primary school mathematics tend to be more emphasis on imitation, students rely more strongly, independent thinking and self-learning ability is not enough, so rarely to explore the connection and application of knowledge. After entering high school, mathematics is rich in content, and the ideas for solving problems are also diversified. The difficulty is even more deepened. As a result, many originally studied well in elementary school
大家好,我叫黄清云,来自靖江市城北小学五(1)班。你们是不是也有这样的烦恼:一写作文就感到无话可写,只有绞尽脑汁、费了九牛二虎之力才能写出来,但写出来的作文却是干巴巴的?我以前也是如此,但发生了一件事,它改变了我无话可写的囧状。  去年暑假一个中午,妈妈有事出去了,她让我和爸爸一起睡午觉。虽然我最讨厌睡午觉了,但母命难违,只好乖乖地躺了下來。过了一会儿,爸爸就打起了呼噜。我突然“灵机”一动,心想: