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资本主义制度和社会主义制度趋于同一的“趋同论”或两种经济制度“融合论”,这是早在本世纪五十年代后期,西方资产阶级比较经济学家荷兰的丁伯根等人提出的,到七十年代初期就形成了一种国际性的思潮.这是在第二次世界大战结束后新的历史条件下,鼓吹资本主义制度永存论的翻版.在我国,搞资产阶级自由化的人,打着对资本主义再认识、对社会主义再认识的幌子,否认社会主义代替资本主义是历史发展的必然趋势,公然提出“两种社会的存在和发展,在经济上有着趋同的条件和倾向,随着社会经济的发展,生产的社会化进一步扩大而日益走向国际化和现代化,社会主义必然要吸取资本主义的‘合理内核’,来充实发展自己的经济;资本主义则引用社会主义的理论和方式,来修补矫正日益失灵的经济妙方、诊断治疗带有疾病的肌体.两大对立社会在发展社会生产力的共同因素牵引下,出对立发展到吸收发展,最后达到经济上的趋同和一致.”①他们鼓吹资本主义制度和社会主义制度“有一种经济趋同之势”②,并不是他们自己的新创造,而是从西方资产阶级经济学家那里贩来的旧货. The “convergence theory” that the capitalist system and the socialist system tend to be the same or the “integration theory” of the two economic systems was put forward by Dingbergen et al. In the Netherlands as early as the late 1950s by Western bourgeois economists An international trend of thought was formed by the early 1970s, a reproduction of the eternal theory of the capitalist system advocated under the new historical conditions after the end of the Second World War.In our country, the bourgeois liberalization People, under the guise of re-understanding of capitalism and re-understanding of socialism, denied that socialism replaced capitalism is an inevitable trend of historical development and openly proposed that “the existence and development of the two kinds of society have the conditions of convergence in economy and With the social and economic development, the socialization of production has further expanded and become increasingly internationalized and modernized. Socialism must inevitably draw on the 'reasonable core' of capitalism to enrich and develop its own economy. Capitalism refers to socialism Theory and methods to repair the growing failure of the economic recipe for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases with the body of the two opposing societies in the development of social life Under the influence of the common forces of power and force, they will develop from antagonism to absorption and development and finally reach economic convergence and consistency. ”1 They advocated that“ the capitalist system and the socialist system ”have a tendency of economic convergence," ② not their own new Created, but from the old bourgeoisie economists from the West.
The coexistence of neurogenic and myogenic features in scapuloperoneal syndro me is rarely ascribed to a single gene. Defects in the nuclear envelope protein la
青春哟!  你是一条欢快的小溪,  前进中,激起朵朵快乐的浪花,  点缀着生活!  青春哟!  你和五彩斑斓的种子一起发芽,  你和绿色一起生长,  你和春天一起成熟!  青春哟!  尽管你如此美丽,  尽管你如此飞扬,  可你却依然会凋谢!  既然青春之花的凋谢  會令人如此心痛,  那么,  一定要让它在最完美的时刻,  绽放出最娇艳的花。  (指导教师:孟薇薇)
西大时光  在广西大学 (简称“西大”),看似平凡的一天,都能让你在日后细细怀念,因为这里留下了你青春的足迹,你在这里疯狂,在这里恋爱,在这里成长。  西大校园非常大,新生走错教室是常见的事情。在这里,自行车是行走校园的必备工具,还有电瓶公交车,一块钱就能载着你满校园跑。  用西大人的话来说,西大食堂太多了,很多西大人吃腻了一家就换另一家,但是鲜有能在几年大学时光里吃遍所有食堂饭菜的西大人,因为学