患者,男,28岁,歼-6飞行员,飞行时间780h。以右侧胸闷、胸痛伴气短3h就诊。自诉晨起穿衣时,突感右胸部刺痛,逐渐加重,且出现心慌气短,深呼吸、咳嗽时加重。无发热、咳嗽、咽痛、便秘、胸部外伤史。3年前左胸无明显诱因下发生过类似症状,诊断为“左侧自发性气胸”经保守治厅痊愈,地面观察3个月飞行合格。 查体:体温、脉搏、血压均正常。呼吸快,无发绀,急性病容,神志清楚,查体合作。气管略左移,右侧胸廓饱满,无外伤,压痛明显,呼吸运动减弱,叩诊呈鼓音,语颤及呼吸音减弱,左侧呼吸音增强。心、腹、脊柱均未发现阳性体征。经胸部X线透视示:右侧气胸,右肺被压缩1/3,急送院,胸腔穿刺排气,注入粘合剂、吸氧抗炎,症状体征消失,右侧肺完全复张,治愈出院。地面观察3
Patient, male, 28 years old, F-6 pilot, flight time 780h. To the right chest tightness, chest pain with shortness of breath 3h treatment. Since the beginning of private prosecution clothes, sudden sensation right chest tingling, and gradually increased, and there palpitation shortness of breath, take a deep breath, increase when coughing. No fever, cough, sore throat, constipation, history of chest trauma. Left chest three years ago, no obvious incentive to have a similar symptom, the diagnosis of “left spontaneous pneumothorax” cured by the conservative hall, the ground observation of 3 months flight qualified. Physical examination: body temperature, pulse, blood pressure are normal. Breathing fast, no cyanosis, acute disease, conscious, physical examination. Trachea slightly left, the right thorax full, no trauma, tenderness, respiratory movement weakened, percussion was drum sound, quivering and breath sounds weakened, the left breath sounds increased. No positive signs were found in the heart, abdomen and spine. The chest X-ray showed: the right pneumothorax, the right lung is compressed 1/3, emergency hospital, thoracentesis exhaust, into the adhesive, oxygen and anti-inflammatory, symptoms and signs disappeared, the right lung completely recovered, cured . Ground observation 3