立体定向适形放射治疗 (StereotacticComformalRa diotherapySRT)技术可使高剂量放射线在三维方向上的分布形状与病灶组织一致 ,采用多个、分次、大剂量、共面或非共面适形照射野 ,实现对病灶组织聚焦式照射。我们自 2 0 0 0年 1月至 2 0
StereotacticComformalRa diotherapySRT technology can make high-dose radiation in the three-dimensional distribution of the shape consistent with the lesion, the use of multiple, graded, high-dose, coplanar or non-coplanar conformal radiation field, to achieve Focus on focal tissue irradiation. We have been from January 2000 to February 0