南非是种族多样、文化多元的总统共和制国家,医疗卫生体系由公立和私立两部分组成,导致该国人口死亡的主要因素依次为艾滋病、下呼吸道感染、新生儿疾病、人际暴力和道路伤害。南非草药资源丰富,其传统医学以非洲传统医学为主。自1998年中南两国建交后,中医药在南非的发展得到明显改善和提高,并于2000年确立了合法地位,但尚未形成规范化、产业化的中药发展模式,中医药应用规模仍显不足,且中医药教育的发展并不完善。建议通过促进中医药标准化建设、加强药业实体对中医药的推广、开展高水平中医药学位教育,为南非中医药发展提供持续的储备人才,逐步形成规模化、产业化、规范化的发展模式,让中医中药更好地为南非人民健康服务。“,”South Africa is an ethnically and culturally diverse presidential republic country. The medical and health system consists of public and private medical care. AIDS, lower respiratory infections, neonatal diseases, and interpersonal violence and road injuries are the leading causes of adult death. South Africa has rich herbal resources, and a long history of traditional medicine, which is mainly black African traditional medicine. Until the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa in 1998, the development of TCM was significantly improved, and legislation of TCM was adopted by the government in 2000. Chinese herbal medicine has not yet formed industrial standardization, the TCM application and TCM education are insufficient. Therefore, it is suggested to accelerate the standardization of TCM, to strengthen the TCM education for professional TCM practitioners, and to form a large-scale, industrial and standardized development model. Only in these ways can TCM provide good medical services for residents in South African.