郭金刚,一个生长在中原大地、被黄河水冲涮泡大的愣头小伙子,人像他的名字一样,刚烈而有豪气,潇洒而不失睿智,焦作矿院毕业的他没有一点书生气,他果断而坚毅.浑身透射出穆斯林人那种坚忍不拔、矢志不渝、顽强拼搏的民族气节 郭金刚,今年飞7岁,中共党员,1987年7月在潞安矿务局漳村矿参工作,曾当过采煤工,先后担任过技术员、科长、矿总仁程师、副矿长等职,l983年3月出任王庄矿矿长
Guo Jingang, a man who grew up in the Central Plains and was greatly shocked by the Yellow River water rushing, was like a man whose name was just like his name. He was bold and noble, bold and wise, and he did not have any disappointment when he graduated from the Jiaozuo Mining Institute. And perseverance .Is penetrating the kind of perseverance, perseverance, indomitable fighting spirit of the Muslims Guo Jinang, this year fly 7 years old, member of the Communist Party of China, in July 1987 in Lu’an Mining Bureau Zhangcun mining work, She had worked as a coal worker, served as a technician, section chief, mine total Cheng division, deputy head of mine and other staff, in 1983 as Wangzhuang mine manager