儿童增殖体切除术在英国仍然是一最常施行伪手术,每年大约要作20万次,为此要耗资6千万英磅。而且,还常发生手术并发症:包括出血、过度鼻音、麻醉意外、后鼻孔狭窄以及心理上的障碍;少见的并发症有颈椎脱位等。此外每年还有5~10个儿童在增殖体扁桃体切除术后死亡。这个手术作得那么多究竟有什么好处呢? 增殖体切除术的适应症大致可分成三类:第一,给复发性扁桃体炎患者作扁桃体切除术的同时把增殖体一并切除;第二,有鼻阻、流涕、鼾音、张口呼吸等症状和体征时即作增殖体切除术;第三,大部分人认为儿童有分泌性中耳炎时适合作增殖体切除术。第一种适应症显得毫无根据,从来也没有一
Child polyp excision is still the most commonly practiced in the United Kingdom for pseudo-surgery, about 200,000 times a year, for which it costs 60 million pounds. Moreover, there are also frequent surgical complications including bleeding, excessive nasal sounds, narcotic accidents, post-nostril stenosis and psychological disorders; rare complications such as cervical dislocation. In addition, 5 to 10 children die of proliferative tonsillectomy each year. What are the benefits of this surgery? The indications for proliferative resection can be broadly divided into three categories: first, to give tonsillectomy to patients with recurrent tonsillitis and to simultaneously remove the proliferators; and secondly, There are nasal resistance, runny nose, snoring sound, mouth breathing and other symptoms and signs for the proliferative resection; Third, most people think that children with secretory otitis media is suitable for gonadotomy. The first indication is unfounded and never one