Forest utilization patterns and socio-economic status of the Van Gujjar tribe in sub-Himalayan tract

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:softdir
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The present study was conducted on the Van Gujjar tribe inhabiting a sub-Himalayan tract in the North Western Himalayas of Uttarakhand State,India.The Van Gujjars have been practicing transmigration over hundreds of years.They migrate each year with their households and livestock between summer and winter pastures.A few years ago with the announcement of the establishment of the Rajaji National Park,the tribe has been forced out of the forest area and rehabilitated outside the park,which has affected their lifestyle.The newly established rehabilitation colony in the Gandikhata area of Haridwar District of Uttarakhand State was taken as a case study.The aims of the present study were to understand and evaluate the socio-economic status of the Van Gujjars in their newly established rehabilitation colony,the utilization pattern of forest resources by the tribe and their relative preference for selective trees for various uses.A total of 176 households were interviewed (giving equal weight to all economic classes and family every size) by using pre-structured questionnaires.The education level was very low (12.9%) and the average income per household was recorded as Rs.36000 (approximately $ 803) per year.The major source of income was dairy production (80.6%) followed by labor employment (13.9%),NTFPs (4.2%) and agricultural production (1.4%).More than 90% of fuel wood and fodder is extracted from the forest.The average fuel wood and fodder consumptions per household per day were recorded as 25.86 and 21.58 kg,respectively.A total of 35 species of cultivated plants and 89 species of wild plants were found to be utilized as food sources.Selectively 25 wild tree species are well known as being used by the Van Gujjars as fodder,fuel wood,agricultural implements,household articles,dye,medicine,fiber and other products.According to their utility value,the most preferred and useful tree species is Ougeinia oojeinensis,followed by Terminalia alata,Bombax ceiba,Shorea robusta and Dalbergia sissoo. The present study was conducted on the Van Gujjar tribe inhabiting a sub-Himalayan tract in the North Western Himalayas of Uttarakhand State, India. The Van Gujjars have been practicing transmigration over hundreds of years. The migrant each year with their households and livestock between summer and winter pastures. A few years ago with the announcement of the establishment of the Rajaji National Park, the tribe has been forced out of the forest area and rehabilitated outside the park, which has affected their lifestyle. newly established rehabilitation colony in the Gandikhata area of ​​Haridwar District of Uttarakhand State was taken as a case study The aims of the present study were to understand and evaluate the socio-economic status of the Van Gujjars in their newly established rehabilitation colony, the utilization pattern of forest resources by the tribe and their relative preference for selective trees for various uses. A total of 176 households were interviewed (giving equal weight to all economic classes and family every size) by using pre-structured questionnaires. The education level was very low (12.9%) and the average income per household was recorded as Rs.36000 (approximately $ 803) per year. major source of income was dairy production (80.6%) followed by labor employment (13.9%), NTFPs (4.2%) and agricultural production (1.4%). More than 90% of fuel wood and fodder is extracted from the forest. average fuel wood and fodder consumptions per household per day were recorded as 25.86 and 21.58 kg, respectively. A total of 35 species of cultivated plants and 89 species of wild plants were found to be utilized as food sources. Selectively 25 wild tree species are well known as being used by the Van Gujjars as fodder, fuel wood, agricultural implements, household articles, dye, medicine, fiber and other products. According to their utility value, the most preferred and useful tree species is Ougeinia oojeinensis, followed by Terminalia alata, Bombax ceiba, Shorea robustaand Dalbergia sissoo.
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目的 探讨血清β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)、孕酮( P)、雌二醇( E2)及肌酸激酶/孕酮值( CK/P)的检测对异位妊娠早期诊断的价值。方法选择本院经尿-HCG、血β-HCG确诊妊娠者127例,其中48例为异位妊娠组;40例为正常早孕组;39例为先兆流产组。分别对三组应用电化学发光技术( ECL)法检测血清β-HCG、P、E2及CK水平,并计算其指标ROC曲线下面积( AUC)及确定检测
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