Oilfield trials have shown that oil recovery can be enhanced by injecting colloidal dispersion gels (CDGs). The reservoir characteristics of these experiments show high permeability, high heterogeneity and low salinity of injected water. Applying CDG in heterogeneous reservoirs to improve oil recovery is due to improved sweep efficiency. The current study describes the use of CDG in highly salinized reservoirs, especially in the North Sea. Laboratory studies and field trials involving CDG earlier have been conducted at low reservoir temperatures and water salinity (about 5000 μg / g). The study involved higher experimental temperatures (85 ° C) and higher salinity (about 35,000 μg / g). The viscosity of the CDG solution after crosslinking is lower than that of the corresponding polymer solution, but it is more stable at elevated temperatures than the corresponding polymer solution. Before the field experiment, several sets of core flow experiments were studied indoors to prepare for it. Injected CDG effectively increases the recovery of crude oil. In core-flow core experiments, an average of 40% of the residual oil after waterflooding is recovered by injection into the CDG, and microscopic diversion mechanisms explain these results. CDG as one of the methods to improve oil recovery, both to play the role of micro-diversion, but also improve the ability of macro wave.