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齐鲁大地,历史悠久,人杰地灵,自古以来名人辈出,名作倍涌。两、三千年前的春秋战国时期,历史经历了一场划时代的变革。持续千年的奴隶制逐渐崩溃,新兴的封建制即将诞生。在思想文化领域,出现了百家争鸣的局面。齐鲁之邦在当时是国内文明地域之一,春秋战国时期,这里出现了许多思想家、政治家。如:孔子、管子、孙子、墨子、孟子、荀子、颜子、曾子、晏子、邹子等,在当时社会科学领域中,各有所长,各具特色,各领风骚。经国治世的三“大子”自古以来创业治国离不开文韬武略,山东三大“子”的思想,全面概括了经国治世的内容:安邦治国有孔子,发财致富有管子,克敌制胜有孙子。一、孔子:春秋末年鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东)人,名丘,字仲尼。孔子自幼好学,青年时便博学成名,曾任鲁国的中都宰、司空、大司寇等职。56岁开始周游列国,出访求仕,14年后返鲁。晚年除继续从事教育活动外,又整理古代典籍,73岁卒于曲阜。孔子主张仁爱处世、德政治国、恢复周礼,提倡人际关系协调。一个人要修养身心,积极入世,以仁德平治天下,使文武之道复兴。哲学思想上对天命、鬼神提出怀疑,强调人的主观能动性。孔子有着丰富的教育理论与实践,其教育方面的主张与做法在中外教育史上都发生过重 Qilu earth, has a long history, outstanding people, celebrities come from ancient times, masterpiece times surging. Two or three thousand years ago during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, history underwent a landmark change. The millennia of slavery have gradually collapsed, and the emerging feudal system is about to emerge. In the field of ideology and culture, there have been a hundred schools of thought. The state of Qilu was one of the civilized regions at that time. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many thinkers and statesmen emerged here. Such as Confucius, Guan Zi, Sun Zi, Mozi, Mencius, Xunzi, Yan Zi, Zeng Zi, Yan Zi, Zou Zi and so on. In the field of social science at that time, each had his own specialty and his own specialty. Since ancient times, the rule of entrepreneurship can not be separated from the thought of employing military force and military strategists and Shandong’s three major powers, which comprehensively summed up the contents of administering the country through the rule of law: An Bangguo has Confucius and Fortune Become rich with a tube, overcome the enemy to win a grandson. First, Confucius: the late Spring and Autumn Lu Guyi (now Shandong Qufu East) people, famous mound, the word Zhong Ni. Confucius had learned well from childhood and became well known as a young man. He used to be both Duzong, Sikong and Dazuo Kou in Luguo. 56-year-old began traveling around the world, visiting Japan, returned to Lu after 14 years. In his late years in addition to continue to engage in educational activities, but also sort out ancient books, died in Qufu 73. Confucius advocated benevolence, morality and political governance, restoration of Zhou ceremony and promotion of interpersonal coordination. One should cultivate one’s mind and body, actively join the WTO, rule the world with Rende and revitalize the civil and military. Philosophical thinking on the destiny, ghosts and gods raised doubts, emphasizing the subjective initiative. Confucius has a wealth of educational theory and practice, and his educational ideas and practices have been overweight both in the history of Chinese and foreign education
化学对于初三同学而言是一门既简单又困难的课程:说它简单,是因为它是一门起始学科;说它困难,是因为它又是我们在中学阶段接触最迟的一门学科。所以学好化学的关键是入门,那么怎样才能真正的入门呢?化学入门学习中要注意哪些问题?下面谈几点经验供同学们在学习时借鉴:  一、养成严谨认真的学习习惯,是迈入化学之门的前提  由于化学对于我们每个初三学生来说,是一门全新而又陌生的学科。因此,我们在思想上不能有丝毫的
《黑龙江史志》展开如何深入开展方志学理论研究的讨论,很有意义.我仅以对方志学科独立性的思考参加这一讨论.方志学应是独立、专业性学科,其理由是: “Heilongjiang Chroni