孕妇29岁,孕2产0。孕早期有病毒性感冒病史,未服用药物,无放射性物质接触史,生活中无不良嗜好,孕23~(+4)周行超声筛查,胎儿双顶径64 mm、头围242 mm、腹围196 mm、股骨长45 mm、肱骨长40 mm、小脑横径22.4 mm、颅后窝9.0 mm、左侧脑室9.3 mm、右侧脑室12.1 mm、第三脑室宽8.3 mm,与透明隔腔相连,颅内其他结构显示紊乱,胎儿面部显示四个眼眶,其中中间两个眼眶非常靠近,内眼球结构显示欠清,两侧眼眶内可见眼球结
Pregnant women 29 years old, 2 pregnant 0. In the first trimester, there was a history of a viral infection, no medication, no exposure to radioactive material, no bad habits in life, and ultrasound screening during 23 ~ (+4) weeks of gestation. The fetus had a biparietal diameter of 64 mm and a head circumference of 242 mm. Circumference 196 mm, length of femur 45 mm, length of humerus 40 mm, cerebellar diameter 22.4 mm, posterior cranial fossa 9.0 mm, left ventricle 9.3 mm, right ventricle 12.1 mm, third ventricle 8.3 mm, , Other structures showed intracranial disorders, fetal facial display of four orbital, of which the middle of the two orbital very close, the structure of the eye showed less clear, visible on both sides of the eye orbital