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1956年春夏之交,正是峄县乃至全省广大农村由互助组发展到初级农业生产合作社的关键时期。翻身得解放的广大农民,听毛主席话,跟共产党走,奔社会主义幸福道路的劲头很足,因此,各地农业生产合作社发展得普遍较快。但是,由于一些基层组织领导人的冒 At the turn of spring and summer of 1956, it was the crucial period for the development of cooperatives to the primary agricultural cooperatives in Shexian and even the province. As the majority of peasants who stood emancipated their way and listened to Chairman Mao’s words, they were energetic enough to follow the path of happiness for the communist party and the socialist revolution. Therefore, the development of agricultural cooperatives in various places was generally rapid. However, due to the leadership of some grassroots organizations
《档案春秋》编辑部:提起建国后发生的故宫盗宝案,当下多数书刊,包括互联网上的有关文章都认为发生了5起。其中影响最大的要数《档案春秋》2006年第九期、第十期 Archives S