您玩过FIFA系列游戏中那几近真实的各类足球大赛吗?您观赏过《骇客帝国》、《星球大战》等科幻影片吗?您看过阿迪达斯广告中穿越时空、风起云涌的虚拟赛场吗?想必那些展现在您面前的精彩画面会让您心潮澎湃,浮想联翩。那么,您有没有想过当今足坛最出色的左脚将和右脚将组成的梦之队之间的激情碰撞呢?在这里,我们将为您奉献这场也许永远都不可能发生的绿茵大战。 在这场足球大战中,我们确定了两队的主教练、11名主力球员和3名替补,也许您钟爱的球员未在其中,请千万不要介意,因为这只是一场虚拟游戏,纯粹是为了娱乐,无需当真。
Have you played nearly any type of football match in the FIFA series? Have you seen sci-fi movies such as “Matrix” and “Star Wars”? Have you ever seen a fantastic virtual show across ad space? Prefer to those wonderful pictures in front of you will make you excited, imaginative. So have you ever wondered about the passionate clash between the best left foot of today’s football and the dream team that will be composed by your right foot? Here, we will dedicate this evergreen Wars. In this football game, we decided the two team coach, 11 main players and 3 bench, maybe you are not in the favorite players, please do not mind, because this is just a virtual game, purely For entertainment, do not need to be serious.