在目前广大军队干部渴望学习和研究管理教育方法的时候,黄河出版社出版了金家林同志撰写的(军队管理教育方法论》一书。《方法论》的主要特点是: (一)紧紧抓住了人这个管理的核心。《方法论》从总论篇、对象篇,到组织篇、环境篇、素质篇,都把对人的管理当作研究的主线,突出了对人的管理教育方法的探讨,通过管理教育好人,带动对其它诸多管理对象的管理,从而抓住了管理的核心。
At the moment when the vast majority of military cadres are eager to learn and study management and education methods, the Yellow River Press published a book entitled “Methodology of Army Management Education” written by Comrade Jin Jiaolin. The main features of “methodology” are: (1) At the core of this management, “Methodology” takes the management of human beings as the main line of study from the general articles, object articles, to the organization articles, environmental articles and quality articles, highlighting the discussion on the management and education of human beings through Management and education of good people, led to many other management objects, thus capturing the core of management.