《吴子兵法·论将》中有言:“因形用权,则不劳而功举。”因地制宜、因时制宜、因势制宜、因情制宜,是辩证法的重要法则,也是领导工作的重要原则。 (一)冒险与保险。领导工作不是种庄稼,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;也不是做数学题,一加一得二,二加二得四。它是一个充满变数的领域,是一个遍布不确定因素的过程,目标常常表现出很大的弹性,结果也往往具有很大的未知性。因此,领导工作没有天衣无缝,没有万无一失,没有百分之百的“保险”。所
There is a saying in Wu Zu Bing Fa Lun: “For the sake of the right of use, there is no effort to do it.” Measures for Local Conditions and Measures for the Time Depending on the circumstances and the circumstances, it is an important law of dialectics and also The important principle of leading the work. (A) adventure and insurance. Leadership is not a kind of crop, grow melon seeds, grow beans beans; nor do math problems, plus one or two, two plus two. It is a field full of variables. It is a process with many uncertainties. The goals often show great flexibility and the results often have great unknowns. Therefore, the leadership work is not perfect, there is no foolproof, there is no one hundred percent “insurance.” The