学习语言,同学习其他科学一样,需要下苦功夫。根据一些有经验的作家和新闻工作者的体会,根本途径大致有三: 1、学习群众“刚健、清新”的语言。人民群众的语言是朴素、形象、生动活泼的。所以,毛泽东同志把向群众学习语言放在语言学习的第一条,指出:“人民的语汇是很丰富的,生动活泼的,表现实际生活的。”(《反对党八股》)鲁迅称大众语言是:“刚健、清新”的语言。普希金认为,倾听人民的语言,可以学到许多杂志上找不到的东西。契訶夫要求作家常坐三等车厢,去直接听听群众的语言。让我们来比较两种语言,加深理解向群众学习的重要性和必要性吧。下面是一段记者与模范饲养
Learning the language, like learning other sciences, requires hard work. Based on the experience of some experienced writers and journalists, there are basically three basic approaches: 1. Learn the language of “healthy and fresh” masses. The language of the people is simple, vivid and lively. Therefore, Comrade Mao Tse-tung put the language of studying for the masses in the first clause of language learning and pointed out: “The vocabulary of the people is very rich, lively and vivid, and shows real life.” (“Oppositional Party Bazhou”) Lu Xun states that the popular language is : “Healthy, fresh” language. Pushkin believes listening to people’s language can learn something that many magazines can not find. Chekhov asked writers often sit third-class cars, to directly listen to the masses of language. Let us compare two languages and deepen our understanding of the importance and necessity of learning from the masses. Here is a reporter and model feeding