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本研究选用产量性状有显著差异的7个粳稻品种,按照Griffing双列杂交方法Ⅳ配制21个杂交组合,用SSR和SRAP分子标记分析亲本遗传距离及其与粳稻产量性状杂种优势间的关系,并比较分析两种分子标记在估算遗传距离时的差别。结果表明,每对SSR引物产生1~11条多态性带,平均3.8条,而每对SRAP引物组合产生1~15条多态性带,平均5.2条。SRAP引物所扩增的条带数和多态性位点数分别是SSR引物的3.3倍和1.3倍。两种分子标记对遗传相似系数较小的品种进行聚类分析时可获得一致的结果,但对遗传相似系数较大的品种进行聚类分析时所得结果并不一致;粳稻产量性状杂种优势的表现大小因性状和杂交组合不同而异;F1杂种产量性状的表现与亲本自身的性状特点和互补关系密切,用SSR和SRAP分子标记遗传距离难以预测粳稻杂种后代的产量表现和杂种优势强弱。 In this study, seven japonica cultivars with significant differences in yield traits were selected and 21 hybrid combinations were prepared according to Griffing Double Inbred Lines IV. The genetic distance and its relationship with heterosis of yield traits in Japonica rice were analyzed by SSR and SRAP markers. Comparative analysis of two molecular markers in the estimation of genetic distance differences. The results showed that each pair of SSR primers produced 1 ~ 11 polymorphic bands, an average of 3.8, and each pair of SRAP primer combinations produced 1 to 15 polymorphic bands, an average of 5.2. SRAP primers amplified the number of bands and polymorphic loci were 3.3 times and 1.3 times SSR primers. Two kinds of molecular markers can get consistent results when clustering analysis of varieties with smaller genetic similarity coefficients, but the results obtained by cluster analysis are not the same for varieties with larger genetic similarity coefficient. The performance of heterosis of grain yield traits The yield traits of F1 hybrids were closely related to the traits and complements of their own traits. It was difficult to predict the yield performance and heterosis of the offspring of japonica hybrids by SSR and SRAP molecular markers.
诺曼·勃劳格博士(Dr.Norman Borlaug),迄今唯一获得诺贝尔和平奖的农业科学家,因其在提高粮食产量、抗击饥荒领域所做出的重大贡献,享誉"绿色 Dr. Norman Borlaug, the onl