吗啡成瘾的非人灵长类动物恒河猕猴(Macaca mulatta)模型的实验结果表明,猕猴可建立吗啡条件化位置偏好(conditioned place preference,CPP),且其与吗啡线索相关的记忆可持续(36.3±1.3)月。该研究可以为药物成瘾研究提供有效的非人灵长类动物行为模型。
Experimental results of a morphine addicted nonhuman primate Macaca mulatta model show that macaque cells can establish conditioned place preference (CPP) and that their memory associated with morphine cues is sustainable 36.3 ± 1.3) months. This study provides an effective non-human primate behavioral model for drug addiction research.