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为吸纳先进技术、引进优秀人才,进一步推动科研院所、高等学校与地方和企业开展科技合作,甘肃省委、省人民政府联合发出了省委发〔2002〕83号文件,出台了《中共甘肃省委甘肃省人民政府关于加强科研院所、高等学校与地方和企业科技合作促进科技成果转化的意见》。《意见》指出,各市州地、各科研院所和高等学校要把院地、院企合作作为实施“科教兴省”和“工业强省”战略的具体内容,列入议事日程,认真研究制订开展合作的内容、办法、措施和鼓励政策,建立政府推动与市场调节相结合的运行机制,努力营造合作的良好环境。合作项目的选择,要根据地方经济社会发展目标,以产业结构调整和培育支柱产业为结合点,突出农副产品深加工、中药现代化、新材料、制 In order to attract advanced technologies, introduce talented people, and further promote scientific and technological cooperation among scientific research institutes, colleges and universities and local governments and enterprises, Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Government jointly issued the Document No. 83 of the CPC Committee of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Gansu Province, promulgating the document “ Provincial People's Government of Gansu Province on strengthening scientific research institutes, colleges and universities and local science and technology cooperation and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. According to the Opinion, all prefectures and counties, all research institutes and colleges and universities should regard the cooperation between academies and institutes and institutes and enterprises as the concrete content for implementing the strategy of ”building the province through science and education“ and ”strengthening the industrial province", and put them on the agenda Seriously study and formulate the contents, measures, measures and incentives for cooperation, set up a mechanism for the operation of the government to promote the integration with the market and strive to create a favorable environment for cooperation. The choice of cooperation projects should be based on local economic and social development goals, industrial restructuring and nurturing pillar industries as a combination point, highlighting the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, modernization of Chinese medicine, new materials, system
在天平修理中,变动性是比较难处理的,影响天平变动性的因素也是多种多样的。如果一台天平按规程要求检定后其变动性超差,就要认真分析其原因,逐个排除解决。 下面以TG328型天平为例进
据统计,目前全球正在计划中或己实施的超级工程有百余个。其中最著名的有十大工程。 1、环球地铁 美国研究一种用核能作动力的隧道挖掘机,准备在地下近百米深处挖一条从纽约
美国人伊里士·胡家境极为贫寒,但在朋友每月支助他100美元的情况下,经过3年努力,终于在1840年发明了后来行销世界的缝纫机。但是,刚刚发明了制造缝纫机的伊里士却因资金周转不灵,半途受挫,背了很大的债务,债主天天登门讨债。他心乱如麻,一时之下竟萌生了和妻子自杀的念头。  事有凑巧,就在伊里士刚刚将其发明的缝纫机推向市场的初期,有位演员来波士顿演戏时看到了伊里士这种针孔开在针头的缝纫机,于是就买了一
随着国产巧克力“一哥”金帝连亏4年后,并最终易主,中国巧克力市场基本失去自有品牌。而曾经撩拨一代人的—“金帝巧克力,只给最爱的人”这句广告词,也将成为很多消费者心中的甜蜜而酸涩的记忆。  “模仿”久了,会上瘾  金帝在全国超市和便利店留出的货架、展台空挡,已经被德芙、好时、费列罗、雀巢和瑞士莲等进口品牌所占据。不仅如此,即使是在线上,随着金帝这面大旗的倒下,中国品牌的巧克力已是基本全军覆没。我们不