不幸的是MSN Messenger不能自动保存聊天记录,而且不能像QQ那样自由地更换皮肤,加之其东家微软多年来在IT界的角色影响,都使其倍受吹毛求疵的网友们的诟病。不过不要紧,一个好汉三个帮,MSN Messenger同样拥有一大帮令其虎添双翼的兄弟,今天我们就来——引见。
Unfortunately, MSN Messenger does not automatically save the chat history, and can not be as free as QQ to change the skin, combined with its owner Microsoft’s role in the IT industry over the years, have made it much criticism of netizens criticism. But it does not matter, a hero, three help, MSN Messenger also has a big help to his tiger wings brother, today we come - introduction.