一、播种前除草化学除草应以药材播种前土壤施药为主,争取一次施药便能保证整个生育期不受杂草危害。播种前土壤处理常用药剂如下: 1.48%氟乐灵乳油:氟乐灵杀草谱广,能有效防除1年生靠种子繁殖的禾本科杂草,如马唐、牛筋草、狗尾草、稗、千金子和画眉草等,以及小粒种子的阔叶杂草,如黎科、苋科、蓼科、马齿苋等,田间有效期2~3个月,喷药时间:于种子类药材播种前5~10天杂草萌发出芽前,每亩地用48%氟乐灵乳油80~100ml对水40~50kg,对药田表土进行均匀喷洒处理。因氟乐灵易挥发和光解,应随喷随进行浅翻,
First, weeding before weeding Chemical weeding should be based on soil before sowing medicinal plants, for a pesticide application will be able to ensure that the entire growth period from weed hazards. Commonly used agents for soil treatment before sowing are as follows: 1.48% trifluralin: trifluralid against broad-spectrum herbicides, can effectively control one-year seed multiplication of gramineous weeds, such as crabgrass, tendon grass, Setaria, barnyardgrass, Son and thrush, etc., and the small seeds of broadleaf weeds, such as Ricacacia, Amaranthus, Polygonaceae, purslane, the field is valid for 2 to 3 months, spraying time: 5 ~ 10 days before the germination of weeds sprouting, with 48% of trifluralin EC 80 ~ 100ml of water 40 ~ 50kg, uniform spraying of topsoil. Due to trifluralin volatile and photolysis, should be accompanied by shallow spray,