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目的了解温室作业女性人群长期农药暴露对妊娠结局的影响。方法随机抽取2010年3月—2014年12月在潍坊市妇幼保健院等3家单位妇产科生育住院的产妇为研究对象,其中在孕前及孕期累计且连续从事温室作业至少2年以上者449人为暴露组,不从事温室作业且不接触农药的同医院产妇152人为对照组。通过问卷调查和查阅资料等方式获得女性农药暴露情况、既往生育史、妊娠期疾患、妊娠结局等;并根据农药暴露强度将暴露组分为低、中、高暴露组,统计各组不良妊娠结局发生情况。结果调查人群的不良妊娠结局共166例,发生率为18.53%(166/896);其中年龄>35岁者不良妊娠结局发生率为31.25%(45/144);有异常孕产史者不良妊娠结局发生率为47.83%(11/23),温室作业产妇的不良妊娠结局发生率为21.21%(140/660)。不同农药暴露量的产妇早产、自然流产、死胎及死产、出生缺陷发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),均随暴露量的增加而升高。结论温室作业女性人群长期农药暴露可能导致早产、流产、死胎及死产、出生缺陷等不良妊娠结局。 Objective To understand the effect of long-term pesticide exposure on pregnancy outcomes in greenhouse-operated female population. Methods From March 2010 to December 2014, we randomly selected mothers from 3 obstetrics and gynecology departments of Weifang Women and Children Hospital for maternal and childbirth as study subjects, including those who had been engaged in greenhouse operation for at least 2 years before and during pregnancy, 449 Artificial exposure group, not engaged in greenhouse operations and non-contact with pesticides in hospital maternity 152 people control group. Through the questionnaire survey and access to information such as access to female pesticide exposure, previous fertility history, pregnancy disorders, pregnancy outcomes; exposure according to pesticide exposure will be divided into low, medium and high exposure groups, statistical adverse pregnancy outcomes What happened? Results A total of 166 adverse pregnancy outcomes were observed in the surveyed population, with an incidence rate of 18.53% (166/896). The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes was 31.25% (45/144) in patients over 35 years old. The incidence of adverse pregnancy The incidence of the outcome was 47.83% (11/23). The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in greenhouse workers was 21.21% (140/660). The differences of preterm birth, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and stillbirth and birth defects among different pesticide exposures were statistically significant (P <0.05), which all increased with the increase of exposure. Conclusion Long-term exposure of pesticides to female workers in greenhouse may result in adverse pregnancy outcomes such as premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, stillbirth and birth defects.
目的了解某医学院校本科生对意外妊娠认识的程度、及生殖健康态度、行为现状,为在校大学生中开展生殖健康服务提供依据。方法 2014年3~5月在某医学院校的在校学生中采用整群
目的分析出生缺陷的监测结果,探讨生缺陷干预措施。方法采用2013年10月-2014年9月怀化市36 523例孕龄满28周至产后7天的围产儿的出生缺陷监测资料,用SPSS软件对围产儿出生缺
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