POEMS综合征是一种罕见的由浆细胞恶性增殖引发的副癌类疾病,因其5个临床特征(多发性神经病变,polyneuropathy;器官肿大,organomegaly;内分泌病,endocrinopathy;单克隆蛋白,Mband;皮肤改变,skin changes)的英文首字母而得名。目前人们对该病的认识还很局限,其发病机制尚不清楚,临床表现复杂多样极易误诊,统一的治
POEMS syndrome is a rare paraneoplastic disease caused by the malignant proliferation of plasma cells due to its five clinical features (polyneuropathy, organ enlargement, organomegaly; endocrinopathy, endocrinopathy; Mbandonin ; Skin changes, the first letter of the English name. At present, people’s understanding of the disease is still very limited, the pathogenesis is not clear, complicated and diverse clinical manifestations easily misdiagnosed, unified governance