在研究各种复合变性剂对φ210、230和260毫米球墨铸铁活塞环的组织和性能的影响时,曾用由30%的ⅡBK—1炼钢生铁、10%废钢和回炉料组成的炉料在ЙЧT—1型感应炉内熔炼了球墨铸铁,并将铁水过热到1480~1520℃。球墨铸铁的化学成分(%):3.4~3.8C,2.2~2.6Si,0.8~1.2 Mn,0.1以下P和0.003S,0.3~0.5Cr,1.1~1.5Ni,0.6~0.9Mo,0.25~0.45Cu,0.03~0.06 Mg。粘土砂潮型在1350~1520℃时浇注。壁厚20~35毫米的筒体(活塞环毛坯)在铸型内保持30分钟和进行空冷。在制造球墨铸铁时利用工业纯镁用钟罩
In the study of various compound denaturant on φ210, 230 and 260 mm ductile iron piston ring organization and performance, had used 30% of Ⅱ BK-1 steelmaking pig iron, 10% scrap and the back charge of the charge in the ЧЧT -1 induction furnace smelting ductile iron, and hot metal overheating to 1480 ~ 1520 ℃. The chemical composition (%) of the ductile iron is 3.4 to 3.8C, 2.2 to 2.6Si, 0.8 to 1.2Mn, 0.1 or less P and 0.003S, 0.3 to 0.5Cr, 1.1 to 1.5Ni, 0.6 to 0.9Mo, 0.25 to 0.45Cu , 0.03 to 0.06 Mg. Clay sand tide at 1350 ~ 1520 ℃ pouring. The cylinder (piston ring blank) having a wall thickness of 20 to 35 mm was held in the mold for 30 minutes and air-cooled. In the manufacture of ductile iron using pure magnesium bell