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  1. For the astronauts, the space station is all the
  following except
  A. a hotel
  B. a museum
  C. a hospital
  D. a laboratory
  2. What season is the Dragon Boat Festival in?
  A. Spring.
  B. Summer.
  C. Autumn.
  D. Winter.
  3. Which of the following birds can sew?
  A. Mockingbirds.
  B. Ostriches.
  C. Hummingbirds.
  D. Tailorbirds.
  4. Why must astronauts exercise two hours every
  A. If they do not, they will become fatter.
  B. If they do not, they cannot walk back on
  C. If they do not, they will not have good ap-
  D.If they do not, they will feel too cold.
  5. Another name for baby alligators is
  A. calves
  B. cubs
  C. puppies
  D. hatchlings
  6. Which of the following is (are) the least useful
  to a fire fighter?
  A. A helmet.
  B. Breathing equipment.
  C. Cutters.
  D. Binoculars.
  7. Dumplings are eaten at
  A. Mid-Autumn Festival
  B. Dragon Boat Festival
  C. Children’s Day
  D. Chinese New Year’s Day
  8. How many kinds of bamboo do pandas eat?
  A. About 20 kinds.
  B. About 30 kinds.
  C. About 40 kinds.
  D. About 50 kinds.
  9. Which bird has the biggest nest?
  A. An eagle.
  B. An ostrich.
  C. A penguin.
  D. A kiwi.
  10. Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics in
  A. 1921
  B. 1922
  C. 1923
  D. 1924
  11. The Japanese word judo means
  A. the gentle way
  B. to be strong
  C. number one
  D. to win
  12. Which of the following is a fish?
  A. A whale.
  B. A seahorse.
  C. A dolphin.
  D. An octopus.
  13. A fire fighter must learn all the following skills
  except __________
  A. driving ambulance
  B. climbing a ladder safely
  C. using a. hose
  D. first aid
  14. Which country did Dr. Berthune first work in
  during World War I?
  A. Canada.
  B. England.
  C. France.
  D. China.
  15. What kind of martial arts fight starts with
  A. Tai chi.
  B. Wing Chun Kung Fu.
  C. Karate.
  D. Traditional Thai kickboxing fights.
  16. The first collection of stories the Grimm Broth-
  ers published was
  A. Children’s and Household Tales
  B. Hansel and Gretel
  C. The Golden Key
  D. The Star Money
  17. What fish live mostly out of the water?
  A. Parrot fish.
  B. White sharks.
  C. Mudskippers.
  D. Scorpion fish.
  18. HOW many active VOlcanoes are there in the
  A.More than 500.
  B.More than 5.000.
  C.More than 50.000.
  D.More than 5001000.
  19.The building 0f the Tower of Pisa last-
  ed years.
  A.around 50
  B.around 100
  C.around 150
  D.around 200
  20.When did Doctor Bethune arrive in China?
  A.In 1937.
  B.In 1938.
  C.In 1939.
  D.In 1940.
  21.The deSigner 0f the Statue 0f Liberry was
  A. American
  B. French
  C. Danish.
  D. English.
  22. A dormant volcano is a/an______ volcano.
  A. active
  B. old
  C. extinct
  D. sleeping
  23._______once said, "If I’ve seen further,
  it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of
  A. Einstein
  B. Galileo
  C. Newton
  D. Edison
  24. Which of the following stories was not written
  by the Grimm Brothers?
  A. Snow White.
  B. Cinderella.
  C. The Little Mermaid.
  D. Sleeping Beauty.
我无论如何也没有想到,那个正在路边干活,身上有不少油污与灰土的装饰工人,怀里居然揣着他的最爱。  那是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩一条热闹的街道上。时间是2003年9月17日的下午。当时,我们正在路边等车。当我看到他蹲在一栋楼房的外墙墙基那儿干活,当我端着相机对准他的背影时,还担心着他发现后会不高兴。  他还是发现了我,还是看到我们了。他转身,站起,即刻就认定我们是来自中国的朋友了。  “ China!”他一
策划:本刊编辑部 执行:周小米 梓 理    你还记得这个老笑话吗:  爷爷问小新:“你知道金庸的14部武侠小说可连成一副对联吗?”  小新答:“不知道!但你知道罗琳写的7本书也可连成一句话吗?”  “是什么?”  “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!”  这貌似一个与“侠”绝缘的时代,可能你早已无心恋读金庸群侠系列小说,所以哈利·波特、钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、蝙蝠侠才是更适合你的洋大侠。因为他们都是超人,都有特异功能,都
小编开麦    谈到自信,无论是学习还是生活,它永远占据着决定你成败的位置。最近,阿星姐从大家的来信中发现好多同学在学习或平时的人际交往中缺乏了一点自信心,从而使自己陷入进退两难的境地。那么,到底该如何做才能成为一个有自信的人呢?    专家点拨    告别恐惧与自卑的胜利法宝  (一)挑前面的位子坐  坐在前排能建立信心。把它当作一个规则试试看,从现在开始就尽量往前坐。  (二)练习正视别人  
北方的冬天是寒冷的,当人们感受到它的彻骨严寒时,心中却充满希望,企盼着春天的脚步早日来到。2018年元旦小长假后上班的第一天,带着些许的盲然、些许的犹豫,更多的还是希望,我走进了那在贫困群众、孤老患儿、急难需帮的人们心中,那春天般温暖的天津市慈善协会。当我踏入慈善协会的大门,一股神圣的责任感、使命感,不自觉地在心里默默地升起。  天津市慈善协会对我来说并不算陌生,我之前在《慈善》杂志社任职十多载,
绘景、状物、写人、抒情……我们只取其中的精华。还不快到夹心派里夹上你最美的文字和心情。    人物    四岁时,弟弟拖着长长的鼻涕将家里的抽屉一个个拉开,又一个个合上,如此反复.自得其乐。  六岁时,弟弟和我一起去上学,比赛谁先跑到学校。我跑得飞快,以为将弟弟甩了很远,后来才得知,弟弟早已在中途折回,躺进被窝继续他的美梦去了。  九岁时,弟弟和我看《足球小子》,激动之余,便跑去踢球,结果很不幸,
晓清对我说:“也许,我们都不曾改变。只是时间在不停颠覆,让我们无法再回到从前。”  于是,晓清去了一中。而我现在正在四中握着2B铅笔在纸上涂鸦,在桌上写字。有时,我坐在座位上呆呆地看着老师那一张一合的嘴。没理由地感到悲伤,绝望。  我提起2B铅笔不停地涂着、画着,看着这些杰作,我有很充实的感觉。有人曾对我说过。我低头默默画画的样子很吸引人,其实我更喜欢用2B铅笔在桌上、墙上、地板上写字。我记得我曾
打开电脑,进入网络教室,确认视频设备远程连接没问题后,等待着上网课的孩子们进入教室上课。山东省淄博市翗翗(音:ké 译:飞的样子)助学服务中心(以下简称“翗翗助学”)创办人谢晓莹数年如一日重复着这个过程,通过线上免费授课模式,谢晓莹与其他志愿者老师们在互联网上开展教育扶贫培智行动,让全国二十多个省份,上万名小学生共享了数百堂高质量的网络音乐、舞蹈、美术等素质教育课程。  习近平总书记多次在扶贫工作
“熊出没,请注意!”  要是“国宝”出没呢?  请加倍注意!  《国家宝藏2》在全国各大影院热播之潮刚刚过去,“国宝”二字由此走入编辑部视线。虽然不能跟着尼古拉斯·凯奇一起去寻宝,但我们至少可以做“研究僧”研究“国宝”。  世界上有各种各样的、“国宝”。比如中国的大熊猫,尼泊尔的独角犀牛缅甸的柚木,塞舌尔的海底椰子,德国的赛车运动员大舒马赫……又比如另一类“国宝”,连中国圣人都待他们小心翼翼,苦口