例1男,47岁。自服农药甲胺磷约200ml,昏迷约2h入院。体检:T35.9℃,P 54次,R 13次,BP 10.5/7.5 kPa,深昏迷,有自发性肌震颤,全身出汗,面色苍白,瞳孔缩小,口吐白沫,口唇紫绀,心律齐,两肺闻及湿罗音。即予洗胃、吸氧,并同时静注阿托品、解磷定及对症处理,2h后中毒症状改善,神志基本清楚,生命体征正常,神经系统检查无明显异常。阿托品化后减量维持,3 d后病人神清,表情自如,可下床活动,查心肺(-),血Rt、ECG正常,血浆ChE 25 U。于服毒后76 h突然出现胸闷气急,呼吸困难,声音嘶哑,音量
Example 1 male, 47 years old. Self-service pesticide Methamidophos about 200ml, coma about 2h admission. Physical examination: T35.9 ℃, P 54 times, R 13 times, BP 10.5 / 7.5 kPa, deep coma, spontaneous tremor, sweating, pale, miosis, spit at the mouth, cyanosis of lips, Both lungs smell wet rales. That is to gastric lavage, oxygen, and intravenous injection of atropine, phosphorus set and symptomatic treatment, 2h after the symptoms of poisoning improved, consciousness basically clear, normal vital signs, neurological examination no obvious abnormalities. Atropine after the reduction of maintenance, 3 days after the patient Shenqing, free expression, can get out of bed activity, check cardiopulmonary (-), blood Rt, ECG normal, plasma ChE25U. 76 h after taking a sudden appearing chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, volume