前言桑梢小蠹虫(Cryphalus exignus Bland foud)是危害桑芽和枝干的害虫。危害桑芽,使芽桔死;危害枝干,中断养分输送,造成树势不旺或整枝整株死亡。由于桑梢小蠹虫体形微小,生活稳蔽,因此易于被人忽视,加之繁殖迅速,一旦猖獗成灾,往往防治不及,造成严重损失。我省老蚕区多有发生,我所桑树受小蠹虫危害,严重年份,桑叶减产40%左右。在成虫羽化时用农药除治效果较好,但污染环境,对蚕儿食桑影响颇大。我们在对桑梢小蠹虫的防治研究过程中,发现一种小型甲虫是桑梢小蠹虫的天敌,其成虫和幼虫均能食害小蠹虫的卵、幼虫和蛹。经北京动物研究所赵养昌教授鉴定,这种甲虫是鞘翅目、扁甲科的土耳其扁谷盗(Cryptoles Testurcicus Grou-
Foreword Cryphalus exignus Bland foud is a pest that damages mulberry buds and branches. Harm the mulberry bud, the bud orange death; endanger the stems, interrupt the nutrient delivery, resulting in not strong or pruning whole plant death. Due to the tiny shape of the mulberry beetle and its stable life, it is easy to be neglected. In addition, it is rapidly propagated. Once rampant catastrophe, it is often prevented and controlled, resulting in serious losses. More areas in our province old silkworm mulberry, my mulberry by the beetles hazards, severe years, mulberry leaves cut about 40%. Insect pests in the emergence of the better use of pesticides in addition to governance, but polluting the environment, a significant impact on the Qianer mulberry. In our research on the prevention and treatment of mulberry beetles, we found that a small beetle is a natural enemies of mulberry beetles. Both adults and larvae can eat eggs, larvae and pupae of beetles. The beetle was identified as Coleoptera, Cryptoles Testurcicus Grou-