Doubts about Providing English Course Widely in China’s Primary Schools

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  Abstract:It is commonly believed that younger children are better learners than old ones, and the earlier starting age will exert more positive influence upon promoting the process and improving the proficiency of foreign language learning. However, the primary school students’ lower efficiency, the inadequacy of their teachers’ pronunciation and misconception of the critical period hypothesis oppose the overall provision of English course in China’s primary schools.
  Keywords:lower efficiency,the critical period hypothesis,SLA
  In order to facilitate the acquisition of English, the ministry of education has issued an order to start English learning from the third grade in all the cities’ and well-developed rural primary schools since 2001. However, it is not necessary and feasible to provide English course in China’s primary schools.
  According to Ellis (1985:105), the age of the learner seems to make a strong impact on the rate and success of second language acquisition (SLA). The evidence claims that it is the older learners, not the younger ones, which are quite different from people’s thought, that enjoy higher efficiency. It is easy to cause learners to mix their mother tongue with other languages without their corresponding cognitive development. On the contrary, the meta-awareness in older learners may facilitate more efficient learning through their conscious study, which is proposed by Ellis (1985:109).
  Ellis(1985:106)suggests that the starting age appears to greatly influence the success of SLA, particularly in pronunciation. Nevertheless, this is likely become a disadvantage in present-day Chinese context. That is because the poorer pronunciation on the teachers’ part, compared with their middle-school counterparts, will only provide an inadequate model for the students to imitate. So their advantage in pronunciation will become a negative factor to learn English well. China is in serious lack of qualified teachers. In addition, it may discourage learners’ enthusiasm to learn English.
  Two reasons above can justify the opposition of the general provision of English courses in China’s primary schools. Among other things, there is one theoretical basis, the critical hypothesis. Ellis (1985:295-6) illustrates, “there is a period when language acquisition can take place naturally and effortlessly, but that after a certain age the brain is no longer able to process language input in this way”. It implies that after this period language can still be acquired in different ways. In fact, with more efforts and some skills, learners are likely to learn English successfully.
  Moreover, the critical hypothesis would be just applicable to the language acquisition rather than the language learning. Although Ellis use “acquisition” and “learning” interchangeably in his relevant books, these two terms sometimes need to be distinguished from each other on the assumption that they are different processes. Rigorously speaking, “the term ‘acquisition’ refers to picking up a second language through exposure, whereas the term ‘learning’ is used to refer to the conscious study of a second language” (Ellis, 1985:6). Precisely speaking, learners in China are learning English. Accordingly, it is hardly likely for them to acquire English naturally and effortlessly. Undoubtedly, learners in China should devote more their efforts to English study.
  Based on above-mentioned doubts, it can be found that it is justifiable to deny the necessity and feasibility of the general provision of English courses in China’s primary schools. Without enough theoretical and practical proof, as well as insufficient qualification in China’s primary school context, extending the English learning in China’s primary schools is not recommended.
  1.Crystal,David.2002.The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 北京:外研社
  2.Ellis,R.1985.Understanding Second Language Acquisition.上海:上海外語出版社
  Author brief introduction:Ke Yanping(1988-), female, the Han nationality, from Fujian, now studying at the Foreign Language School of Southwest University, mainly doing the research on Applied linguistics, teaching method etc..
摘 要:根据《心理学》理论,个别差异是教育的依据,只有研究和了解学生的个体差异,因材施教,才能取得好的教育效果。一、趣化课堂,是个性化教学的基础;二、师生互动,是个性化教学的纽带;三、因材施教,是个性化教学的关键。  关键词:初中英语;个性化教学;趣化互动;因材施教  根据《心理学》理论,个别差异是教育的依据,只有研究和了解学生的个体差异,因材施教,才能取得好的教育效果。初中英语教学应因材施教
小学英语老师一定都不会忘记,三年级的英语课堂上,小男孩小女孩们兴高采烈地举手,争先恐后地发言,兴致勃勃地开口说唱英语,但是,六年级的英语课堂上,小伙子小姑娘们寥寥的举手,冷清的发言,有气无力地朗读背诵英语,索然无味地和着老师做英语游戏。小伙子小姑娘们学习英语的热情都哪里去了?他们已不再爱英语了吗?我们该如何应对这种情况呢,因此,本文对保持持续英语学习兴趣的策略进行探讨。  (一)芝麻与西瓜  为什
摘 要:书面表达作为中考测试一大板块,占据了很多分数,但是几度调查显示,考生在书面表达这一环节失分较多,存在很多问题,本文首先分析了这些问题,又提出了一些教学策略。  关键词:书面表达 问题 策略  随着英语教学改革的进行,对于学生听、说、读、写能力的要求更高了,而在这四项基本语言能力中,写作对于大多数考生来说是最具挑战的,也是当今的教育工作者苦心研究的问题,调查发现初中生写作仍然是一个薄弱环
摘 要:厌学是学生对学校的生活失去兴趣,产生厌倦情绪,持冷漠态度等心理状态以及在行动中的不良表现方式。学生厌学主要表现在:注意力分散,上课不认真听课,思维迟缓,情绪消极提不起精神,作业拖沓,敷衍了事,学习效率低,错误率高,对学习失去兴趣和信心。小学生厌学已经成为普遍现象,如何帮助孩子走出厌学的困境,找回童年的快乐成为亟须解决的问题。  关键词:小学生 厌学 因素 策略  小学应该是学生学习和生
【现状】:  多年来,我们的英语作业不过是抄抄写写、听听读读。学生们把它当成了纯粹的体力劳动而不是什么脑力劳动。而绝大多数小学英语教师把大量的时间用于备课、课堂教学、作业的布置与批改等方面,却很少花时间用在学生的作业评价上。即使有评价也存在着不少问题:口头作业的评价不能很好落实;书面作业的评价忽视了学生的身心特点, “A”“B”“C”的等第让学生不明所以,作业批改有时甚至成了教师宣泄对学生不满的载
Abstract:This study conducts three interviews with primary and middle school EFL English teachers in China, aiming to find out their beliefs on teaching critical thinking in their classes. The results
摘要:英语教学的教育质量体现在学生灵活运用英语的能力方面。在有限的课堂时间内,需狠抓课堂效率,从听力,口语,写作各方面培养学生能力。  关键词:教育质量,课堂效率,听力,口语,写作  《教育大辞典》中对教育质量的解释为“教育质量是对教育水平高低和效果优劣的评价,最终体现在培养对象的质量上”。英语作为一门语言,其主要功能是与人交流。因此英语教学的教育质量也就体现在学生灵活运用英语的能力方面。新课程标
Abstract:Materials evaluation activities are organized for many reasons, one of which is to identify particular strengths and weaknesses of the course books already in use(Yi, 2004). In this thesis, t
摘 要:本文是通过教学实例,从定语从句、习语、代词的指代含义等三个方面来讲解英语长句难句的分析和理解。能够起到对教师与学生教与学两个角度的点拨和促进。  关键词:定语从句;习语;代词  对英语文章的分析与理解对于不管是在校的学生还是从事相关领域的人员都至关重要。就这方面,本人将从教学中得到的几点体会提供给大家,希望对大家在学习运用英语的过程中起到些许帮助。我们知道,在掌握了一定英语词汇量的基础上,