日前从报上看到两个材料:一是“我国近40%的青年家无藏书”;二是“我国公共图书馆购书量呈下降趋势”。这两个现象都是极值得关注的。 有关部门十分成功地搞起了一个“希望工程”,救助了不少贫困地区的失学儿童。可是,如果一些青年人吃喝玩乐大手大脚,就是偏偏没钱买书;在歌舞厅里、麻将桌上忙得不亦乐乎,就是腾不出时间读书,这又该搞一个什么“工程”才行呢? 搞个“苦口婆心”工程?请出一批德高望重、学富五车的文坛泰斗、科技权威,让他们既大讲知识的重要,又现身说法展示读书
A few days ago I saw two materials from the newspaper: First, “nearly 40% of young people in our country have no books,” and second, “there is a downward trend in the amount of books purchased by public libraries in our country.” Both of these phenomena are extremely noteworthy. The relevant departments have succeeded in fostering a “Hope Project” and have helped out-of-school children in many poor areas. However, if some young people are overwhelmed with their food and drink, they have no choice but to buy books. In the dance hall, the mahjong table is too busy for the time being to study. What is the “project” to pursue? Put forward a “good-hearted” project? Please come up with a group of highly respected, learn five-vehicle literary world, science and technology authority, so that they speak out about the importance of knowledge,