以北疆七个复种油葵品种为材料进行研究,结果显示,在1997~1998两年间,油葵分别经受了- 3.0℃和- 2.6℃的霜冻后,仍能继续灌浆成熟,说明复种油葵对耐低温具有良好的重演性。研究也表明,这种重演性不仅表现在时间上,同时也表现在不同地区和不同品种上。
The results of seven oil sunflower cultivars in northern Xinjiang showed that oil sunflowers could continue to be grouted and matured after they were exposed to the frosts of -3.0 ℃ and -2.6 ℃ respectively for two years from 1997 to 1998, Description multiple oil sunflower on the low temperature has a good repeat. Research also shows that this repetition is not only reflected in time, but also in different regions and different breeds.