
来源 :数理化学习(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivanny
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一、要记住复分解反应的概念由两种化合物相互交换成分,生成另外两种化合物的反应,叫做复分解反应·二、要明确复分解反应的要点1·要明确反应物、生成物的种类和类别:即反应物和生成物都是两种化合物·2·要明确反应前后物质变化的组合形式:即反应是否“互相交换成分”·从化 First, keep in mind that the concept of metathesis reaction consists of the exchange of components by two compounds, the reaction of the formation of two other compounds, called the metathesis reaction. Second, we must clarify the main points of the metathesis reaction. 1. Identify the types and types of reactants and products. : That is, the reactants and the products are both compounds. 2. The combination of the substances before and after the reaction must be clearly defined: ie, whether the reaction “exchanges components” or not.
This paper presented a novel electrohydrodynamic (EHD) micropump based on MEMS technology. The working mechanisms and classification of EHD micropump were intro
秦始皇统一六国,天下初定之后,就想找出一个办法,使国家长治久安,能传给子孙万代。当时有前三朝现成的分封制度可以效法,但是秦始皇不想这么做,他从前三朝灭亡的事实看到,这个办法不可行。  秦始皇不想采用分封制度,可他手下的文武百官却不答应。南征北战一场,给秦国出了那么大的力,哪个不想裂土称王?在自己的地盘当王比在朝廷当大臣好多了,不光有丰厚的物质享受,还无拘无束,还能传给子孙。不过,他们敢这么想,却暂