1989年10月27日发射了第一颗INTELSAT Ⅳ卫星(国际通信卫星),它是世界上最重的商用通信卫星。由于该卫星大而复杂,飞行任务包括复杂的动力学和结构展开问题。每个阶段的飞行任务都按计划或提前完成。发射后3周,该卫星为在马耳他举行的美-苏高级会议提供了国际电视服务。本文给出关于世界上最复杂的商用通信卫星的一般设计、特色、试验计划、飞行任务和运行方面的综述。
The first INTELSAT IV satellite (International Telecommunications Satellite) was launched on 27 October 1989 and is the heaviest commercial communications satellite in the world. Due to its large size and complexity, the mission includes complex dynamics and structural problems. The missions at each stage are scheduled or completed in advance. Three weeks after launch, the satellite provided international television services to the U.S.-Soviet high-level meeting held in Malta. This article gives an overview of the general design, features, test plans, mission and operational aspects of the most sophisticated commercial communications satellites in the world.