一靠理论灌输。基本道德常识匮乏是加强新兵道德建设首要解决的问题。搞好理论灌输 ,当前就是要做到 :一讲、二学、三教、四记。一讲 ,即讲清《军人道德规范》的基本内容、人民军队的性质、宗旨和优良传统以及肩负的重大历史使命 ,准确把握和领会 32字精神 ,自觉端正入伍动机 ,
Instill a theory. The lack of basic morality is the primary solution to strengthening the moral construction of recruits. To do a good job of instilling a theory, what we should do now is: one talk, two studies, three religions, and four minds. In other words, we should clarify the basic content of “ethical code of military personnel”, the nature, purpose and fine tradition of the people’s army and the major historical mission entrusted to it, accurately grasp and understand the spirit of "