Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Zhujiang Estuary from SeaWiFS data

来源 :海洋学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q3177848
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The chlorophyll-a concentration is generally overestimated for the southem China coastal waters if the default algorithm of the SeaDAS is employed. An algorithm is developed for retrieval of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Zhujiang Estuary, Guangdong Province, China, by using simulated reflectance data. The simulated reflectance is calculated corresponding to the SeaWiFS wavelength bands, via a general model by inputting measured water components, I.e., the suspended sediment,chlorophyll-a, and yellow substance (DOC) concentration data of 130 samples. Empirical relationships of the chlorophyll-a concentration to 240 different band combinations are investigated based on the simulated reflectance data, and the band combination, R5R6/R3R4, is found to be the optimum one for the development of an algorithm valid for the Zhujiang Estuary. This algorithm is then employed to determine the chlorophyll-a concentration from SeaWiFS data. The estimated concentrations have a better accuracy than those obtained from the SeaDAS default algorithm when comnpared with sea truth data. The new algorithm is demonstrated to work well and is used to derive a series of image maps of the chlorophyll-a concentration distribution for the Zhujiang Estuary and adjacent coastal areas.
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