某报刊登一则小幽默:中、西方两位老太太在同一日升入天堂,中国老太如释重负地说:我辛劳了一辈子,昨天总算用全部积蓄买了一套房子;西方老太说:我昨天刚把年青时买房子的贷款还完,已享用了一辈子。这则小幽默精辟地道出了东西方文化的不同,消费观念的差异。 消费信贷对
A newspaper published a small humor: the two western ladies rose to heaven on the same day. As the Chinese Granny said with relief, I worked hard all my life and bought a house yesterday with my savings. The old lady said: Yesterday, I just finished the loan to buy a house when I was young and has enjoyed my whole life. This little humor impressively tells the difference between eastern and western cultures and different consumption concepts. Consumer credit right