白血病侵犯中枢神经系统(CNS)可引起脑脊液(CSF)内化学成分、细胞质和量的改变。因此,CSF检查对中枢神经系统白血病(CNL)的诊断、疗效观察具有十分重要的意义。 CNL病人CSF内蛋白质浓度可增高,其阳性率较低,约21%~40%。个别白血病病人偶见CSF蛋白质增多,但未见CNL发生。我院内科亦见到这样的病例。氨甲喋呤鞘内注射可引起化学性脑膜炎而致CSF蛋真质增多。近年来,文献中多不将蛋白质增多列为CNL的诊断条件,可能与其敏感性和特异性均较低有关。 CSF中单核细胞(mononuclear cells)计数增高,是诊断CNL的一个重要指标,其敏感性各家报告不一(42%~100%)
Leukemia affects the central nervous system (CNS) and causes changes in the chemical composition, cytoplasm, and amount in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Therefore, CSF examination of central nervous system leukemia (CNL) diagnosis, the efficacy of observation is of great significance. CNL patients CSF protein concentration can be increased, the lower the positive rate of about 21% to 40%. Occasionally individual leukemia patients CSF protein increased, but no CNL occurred. Our hospital also saw such cases. Intramuscular injection of methotrexate can cause chemical meningitis resulting in increased CSF egg quality. In recent years, the literature does not increase the protein as a diagnostic criteria for CNL may be related to its lower sensitivity and specificity. Increased count of mononuclear cells in CSF is an important indicator for the diagnosis of CNL, and its sensitivity is reported differently (42% -100%)