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恶性黑色素瘤是妇科罕见的肿瘤。我院自1979年1月至1986年12月,细胞学病理证实为原发恶性黑色素瘤患者共10例(外阴部2例,阴道6例,宫颈1例,外阴、阴道、宫颈多发1例),占同期检出恶性肿瘤患者的1.585(10/630)。恶性黑色素瘤通过淋巴管或血行转移,局部活检可促进癌瘤扩散,用细胞学行初步筛选可避免局部侵袭所造成的癌瘤扩散,对临床颇有参考价值,本文将细胞学特点分析如下。临床资料一、一般资料:自1979年1月至1986年12月在妇科门诊就诊、临床疑为恶性黑色素瘤患者,常规涂片或印片行细胞学检查,涂片阳性经病理证实为恶性黑色素瘤共10例,患者最小年龄38岁,最大60岁,平均52岁。二、涂片方法及染色:在可疑部位用竹制宫颈刮板轻刮肿瘤隆起表面,将取材均匀涂抹载玻片上,或在破溃处用载玻片直接印片。自然干燥后行本科改良的巴氏染色法。三、细胞学分级:按papanicolaou 5级分类法分级。Ⅰ级正常,Ⅱ级炎症,Ⅲ级可疑恶性,Ⅳ级高度可疑恶性,Ⅴ级典型癌细胞。本文Ⅲ级1例,Ⅳ级3例,Ⅴ级6例。 Malignant melanoma is a rare gynecological tumor. In our hospital from January 1979 to December 1986, cytology confirmed 10 cases of primary malignant melanoma (2 cases of vulva, 6 cases of vagina, 1 case of cervix, 1 case of genital, vaginal and cervical multiple cases) Accounting for 1.585 (10/630) of patients with malignant tumors detected in the same period. Malignant melanoma metastasis through lymphatic vessels or blood, local biopsy can promote the spread of cancer, with cytology preliminary screening to avoid local invasion caused by the spread of cancer, the clinical quite valuable, the cytological characteristics of this paper are as follows. Clinical data First, the general information: From January 1979 to December 1986 in gynecological clinic, clinical suspicion of patients with malignant melanoma, conventional smear or printing line cytology, smear positive pathologically confirmed as malignant melanoma Tumor in 10 cases, the minimum age of patients 38 years old, maximum 60 years old, average 52 years old. Second, the smear method and staining: suspicious sites with bamboo scraping scraping the tumor uplift the surface of the tumor, the material will be evenly coated on the slide, or ulcerated with a slide directly printed. Natural drying undergraduate improved pasteurization method. Third, cytology grading: According to papanicolaou 5 classification classification. Ⅰ grade normal, grade Ⅱ inflammation, grade Ⅲ suspicious malignant, grade Ⅳ highly suspicious, grade Ⅴ typical cancer cells. In this paper, grade Ⅲ one case, grade Ⅳ in 3 cases, grade Ⅴ in 6 cases.
透明细胞癌(以下简称透癌)是女生殖系少见肿瘤。主要发生于卵巢、宫内膜,少见于宫颈和阴道,后二者多见于年轻妇女。至1980年,国外巳报告之300多 Clear cell carcinoma (her
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大量研究表明,宫颈癌的发病与性传播的病毒有关。起初认为,HSV 可能是病原体,但以后的观察提示 HSV 在肿瘤形成过程中只起辅助因子的作用。另一研究表明 HPV 也参与宫颈癌的
科技论文发表数量是科技产出的一项重要指标。情报管理处利用中国科学技术情报研究所数据库检索了1989~1991年石油系统科技论文在国内期刊上发表的统计结果和 The number of