藉兴科,江苏省沛县五段乡后五段村人(原属铜山县)。初是五段一带打家劫舍的土匪,和铜北、沛南的土匪头目、地主阶级上层人士多有联系。 1938年夏秋之交,以抗日为旗号拉起一支2000多人的地方农民武装,推举藉兴科为总司令,下设三个团(共产党人李成栋、张益民以入伙为名打入其内部,准备进行策反活动)。他们和地主、汉奸的武装时有冲突。1938年底投降日冠,受编为苏北反共救国军第一支队,藉任司令。
By Xing Branch, Peixian Township, Jiangsu Province, after the fifth paragraph of the village (formerly Tongshan County). In the beginning, the bandits hijacking their families in the five sections belonged to bandit leaders who had many ties with the leaders of the bandit chiefs and peasants in Tongbei and Peinan. In the summer of 1938, at the turn of the anti-Japanese war, it was armed with local peasants of more than 2,000 people. It was recommended that Comrade Xing Xingke be the commander-in-chief of the country and there be three groups under the banner of Comrade Li Chengdong and Zhang Yimin. Prepare for counter-campaign). They clashed with the landlord and traitor. Surrender to the crown at the end of 1938, organized by the northern Jiangsu anti-communist rescue unit detachment, as commander.