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1963年,苏联黑色金属选矿设计研究院对铁矿石的浮选、精矿造球、锰矿石的选别和创造新的选矿机械方面进行了一些研究设计工作,并取得了一些成果。在磁选尾矿的浮选方面,完成了中央采选联合企业磁选尾矿第一阶段的浮选工业性试验。当原矿品位为18—19%时,获得了铁品位为52%的精矿(SiO_2为10%)。精矿经烧结后,铁品位可以提高到59%。试验结果表明,磁选尾矿采用浮选可以使总的精矿生产费用降低0.6-0.7%(据初步计算一吨浮选精矿生产费用是3-4卢布)。降低的原因,是由于用合成的脂肪酸部分的代替了昂贵的塔尔油以及增加了脱泥时水力旋液器中的压力,从而减少了矿浆的损失和简化了浮选流程而达到的。该院在半工业条件下也试验了由地下采出的贫矿石的反浮选。这个方法所获得的指标可以作为北部矿石准备联合企业的工艺流程设计的基础,并证实了反浮选不需脱泥 In 1963, the Soviet Union’s Black Metal Design Institute conducted some research and design work on flotation of iron ore, pelletizing pellets, sorting of manganese ore and creating new beneficiation machinery. Some achievements were made. In the aspect of flotation of magnetic separation tailings, the flotation industrial test of the first stage of the magnetic separation tailings from the central mining and dressing complex was completed. When the ore grade is 18-19%, a concentrate of 52% iron grade (SiO 2 10%) is obtained. After the concentrate is sintered, the iron grade can be raised to 59%. Test results show that the use of flotation tailing magnetic separation of the total concentrate production costs can be reduced 0.6-0.7% (according to the preliminary calculation of one ton of flotation concentrate production costs is 3-4 rubles). This reduction is due to the replacement of expensive tallow oil with synthetic fatty acid moieties and increased pressure in the hydrocyclone at desliming, thus reducing pulp loss and simplifying the flotation process. The Institute also experimented with counter-flotation of poorly-leached ores extracted from the ground under semi-industrial conditions. The indicators obtained by this method can be used as a basis for the design of the process for the North Ore Preparation Complex and confirm that desfiltration does not require desliming
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客观评价恶性肿瘤病人机体能量代谢状况。方法:采用床旁开放式间接测热法对我院外科226例住院的各类恶性肿瘤患者进行静息能量消耗(resting energy expanditure,REE)测定,同