2003年年初,作为燕京啤酒在美国的独家分销商 Harbrew(哈布鲁)公司与NBA 球队——休斯敦“火箭队”签署了600万美元的赞助合同,合同有效期6年。有史以来这是中国品牌第一次通过7位数的体育赞助形式叩开美国市场的大门。凭借着这张协议,无论何时何地,只要休斯敦“火箭队”的比赛在进行电视转播时,燕京啤酒就会出现在赛场的广告牌上面。此后,在一系列休斯敦“火箭队”参赛的赛场上,姚明的身影与燕京啤酒的广告就不断地交织在一起,成为休斯敦“火箭队”赛场上一道靓丽的风景线。
In early 2003, Harbrew Corporation, the exclusive Yanjing Beer distributor in the United States, signed a $ 6 million sponsorship contract with NBA team Houston Rockets, the contract for which is valid for six years. This is the first time that Chinese brands have knocked open the door to the U.S. market through 7-digit sports sponsorship. With this agreement, Yanjing Beer will appear on billboards at the venue whenever and wherever Houston’s “Rockets” race is on television. Since then, in a series of Houston “Rockets” competition venue, Yao Ming’s presence and Yanjing Beer’s ads are constantly intertwined, as the Houston “Rockets” stadium a beautiful landscape.