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北京,西交民巷50号,人民大会堂南侧,中华全国新闻工作者协会所在地。举世瞩目的中国共产党第十三次全国代表大会的新闻中心就设在这里。10月24日,十三大开幕的前一天,新闻中心车水马龙,门庭若市。陆续从世界各地赶来报到的上百名外国记者和港澳记者,聚集在大厅里,有的在办手续,有的在翻阅各种资料,有的在“搜索”着新华社电讯稿,发现了“宝贝”马上拿去复印;不少记者在新闻图片架前选购背景照片。一位日本记者挥着手,用生硬的汉语高喊:“统统要,统统要。”还未拿到记者证的人急切地伸出了一双双手,使工作人员应接不暇。不少国家驻华大使馆的新闻官也出动了, Beijing, No. 50 Xijiaomin Lane, south of the Great Hall of the People, seat of All-China Journalists Association. The press center of the 13th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which has drawn worldwide attention, is here. On the 24th of October, the day before the opening of the 13th CPC National Congress, the Press Center was busy and dignified. Hundreds of foreign reporters and Hong Kong and Macao reporters who came from all over the world one after another came together in the hall. Some went through the formalities, some went through all kinds of information and some searched for a Xinhua News Agency telecommunications draft and found “ Baby ”immediately take a copy; many reporters in the news picture frame before buying background photos. A Japanese reporter waved his hand and shouted in blunt Chinese language: “All are required and all are required.” Those who have not yet obtained a press permit have eagerly extended their hands and left the staff overwhelmed. Many news agencies in the embassy of China also dispatched,
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