一、前言在钣金毛料表面印制座标网格,来测量塑性应变的大小和分布,在国外钣金生产和钣金研究工作中,已是一项重要而常用的测试技术,它主要用于: 1.实验建立各种钣金的成形极限曲线。 2.与成形极限曲线配合解决下列实际问题: (1) 预见所设计工艺过程和模具的危险度; (2) 大致定量地研究生产中各可控因素变动对变形效果的影响,从而有目的地对它们进行调整;
I. Preface Printing coordinate grids on the surface of sheet metal wool to measure the size and distribution of plastic strain has become an important and commonly used testing technique in foreign sheet metal production and sheet metal research. In: 1. Experimental establishment of various sheet metal forming limit curve. 2. Coordinate with the forming limit curve to solve the following practical problems: (1) foresee the risk of the design process and the mold; (2) roughly quantitatively study the effect of various controllable factors in production on the deformation effect, Adjust them