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关于16锰钢问题,张稚麟同志多年来积累了不少技术资料,提出了对16锰钢筋的加工、管理和使用等问题的一些看法及改进意见,这对提高工程质量是有积极作用的。最近,国家标准总局发布了GB1499—79《热轧钢筋标准》,对钢筋的品种,技术条件、物理、化学性能及其验收规则和方法等均作了明确的规定(另有详文),并自1979年10月1日起实施,基本上解决了16锰钢所存在的问题。但鉴于目前还有不少16锰钢筋及其予制构件正在使用,如果我们在钢筋的加工和管理中掉以轻心,同样会产生脆断等类似情况,因此,仍需要我们总结经验,正确使用,这就是发表本文的目的。 Regarding the issue of 16 manganese steel, Comrade Zhang Zhilin has accumulated many technical data over the years and put forward some opinions and suggestions on the processing, management, and use of 16 manganese steel reinforcement. This has a positive effect on the improvement of project quality. Recently, the General Administration of Standards issued the GB 1499-79 “Standard for Hot Rolled Bars”, which stipulates the types, technical conditions, physics and chemical properties of steel bars, and the rules and methods for their acceptance, etc. (another detailed text). Since October 1, 1979, it has basically solved the problem of 16 manganese steel. However, given that there are still a lot of 16-manganese rebars and their prefabricated components being used, if we take light measures in the processing and management of rebars, we will also have brittle fractures and similar situations. Therefore, we still need to sum up experience and use them properly. It is the purpose of publishing this article.
熊希龄的传奇身世    熊希龄,字秉三(1870—1937),原籍江西丰城,因先辈屡官湖南湘西州、县,遂入籍凤凰直隶厅(即今凤凰县)。  熊父兆祥是一员武将,人称熊凤凰。熊母吴氏,苗人,系苗王吴友文长女,那时汉苗联姻,是一件奇事,曾传为佳话。熊希龄居长,据说生下不足7个月,父母担心难以成活,可满月后竟成了一个肥胖婴儿。自幼禀赋聪颖,7岁读完四书五经,且能熟背,故有神童之誉,深得父母器重。  188