1999年正月初六,到李仕勤家 做客,不大的房间里弟子们挤得满 满的,到处装饰着春联、福字,还有 新收弟子宋延鹏敬送的大幅风景 画,真是一派红火,散发着春的信 息。但最醒目的还是李仕勤在《武 魂》等杂志封面上刊登的威武雄姿 的大特写,还有那光闪闪的铜牌上 镌刻着?
On the first day of the first month of 1999, he visited the guest house of Li Shiqin, and the disciples in the modest rooms were crowded full of decorated spring couplets, blessings, and landscape paintings sent by Song Yanpeng, a disciple newly recruited. Spring’s message. But the most eye-catching or Li Shiqin in the “Wuhun” magazine covers the mighty majestic features of the macro, there is the shiny bronze engraved?