稀土和微量营养元素对促进甘蔗生长、提高甘蔗产量和含糖量有着显著的作用。但是,哪一种微量元素的增产增糖效应最好,不同地区、不同土壤和不同耕作制度所产生的效应如何?为此,1997年和1998年我们在湖南常德国营西洞庭农场进行了两年的试验探索。1 1997年试?
Rare earths and micronutrients play a significant role in promoting the growth of sugarcane and increasing the yield and sugar content of sugarcane. However, which kind of trace elements have the best effect of increasing sugar yield? What are the effects of different kinds of soil and different farming systems? To this end, we conducted a two-year pilot study in West Dongting Farm, State Capital, Hunan, in 1997 and 1998. 1 1997 trial?